Turning Self-Proclaimed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) into Dollars

One lady in China was babysitting, when she noticed something about her client. She couldn’t stand it – so she offered to help her client for free! Her grateful client suggested she do this as a business.

This lady self-declares that she has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Whether she does or not, she truly has a compulsion to do what she does. It gives her immense inner satisfaction. Others who have a similar compulsion could make very nice profits – and gain inner satisfaction – by doing this too! Read more here

This Guy Brings in Over $1 Million a Year… From Nerds…

He does it by selling multiple products. One sells for $179 per month. Another is a 5-day event, where he charges between $849 to $1,499 per person. All of these are targeting “nerds.” That’s because, this man is a “nerd” himself, and he knew he needed this back when he was younger! Overall, it brings him over $1 million bucks a year! Read more here